Alfan Juni Welcome

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About Me


I’m a web designer, and full stack developer with a great passion for building things with code. I live in beautiful place on Jepara, Central of Java - INDONESIA.
I am very interest with PROGRAMMING WORLD. I have learned procedural programming languange like C, i also speak OOP such as Java, PHP, C#, C++, Javascript, Python, Golang. I am totally strong using Web Framewwork like CodeIgniter and Laravel.

My Focus on future

I was chosen to be a Tokopedia Devcamp 2019 participant from total of 39 sortlisted , out of 1700 applicants .Tokopedia Devcamp is a 6-day intensive training & hackathon program, which aims to develop more digital talents in Indonesia by giving them access to knowledge related to the tech industry. All participants mentored directly by Tokopedia’s tech experts and will have the first-hand exposure to how Tokopedia's Tech team works on a daily basis. After this event i am very insteresting on web development, mobile web especially. So I spend a lot time using NodeJS, and ReactJS for build full stack web apps.

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Inovative Ideas

I am ready to start from scratch, or continue the ongoing projects. I always give innovative ideas to build the best applications.

Clean Code

I always give a clean code to the consumer so the application is easy to understand and easy to develop.

Best Deal

Tell your great app to me. Adjust your budget. And "BOOM", your app ready to published.

Best Result

I will give you the best applications for your best ideas.I always give the best effort for each projects I did. I give a solution with my creative app.

My Projects


Web Apps

SIA → (Sistem Informasi Akuntansi ) is web application for Accounting PT. BINAHIDUP GROUP


Dekstop Apps

SISIPRO → (Sistem informasi produksi) is dekstop application built using JAVA for Dcofrance,PTE.Ltd


Mobile Apps

LANCERLOTS → is mobile apps built using Java and Firebase . this apps platform for frelancer and job seeker.

My Happy Team

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Hafizh A.

Software Engineer at Tokopedia

Alfan is funny guy, innovative, and lot of idea. He also good in work as team. we work together as backend developer in Trackerpedia project during hackathon. my first time meet him at Tokopedia Devcamp2019, he fast on learning something new such as built Rest API using golang, hands on with PostgresSQL.

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Rizky Arif

Fullstack developer

Alfan is inspirative developer from Jepara, he always share about his experiences, new technologies . He also active in developer community such as JeparaDev and Doscom (Dinus Open Source Community). He learn many kind of programming languange and built something new with technologies that he learn.

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